Friday, July 2, 2010

Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking

By thinking positive we create a false sense of positivity.
The false sense of positivity triggers false emotions, and attracts falsehood, which are then falsely identified, mistakenly interpreted as positive feelings.

We may argue, "But, people do get rich by creating such false sense of positivity."

Yes, sure they do.
They become rich, which again is the false sense of being wealthy.

Becoming rich does not make you wealthy.
Not that all rich people are not wealthy, there are many rich people who are also wealthy. However, the secret of their wealth, of true wealth, is not positive thinking. It is the positive "true feeling" - in Buddha's word, "Bhavna".

Bhavna is not emotion-based feeling, it is "true feeling" in the sense that it emanates from the innermost core of our being. It is the uncontaminated primeval feeling so clearly seen in the small children. It manifests as joy. Yes, it "manifests" as joy, what it actually is - we can never ever explain in words. For, all our words are mind and emotion based. Our language is the creation of our mind.

Joy, childlike joyous nature - this is the only manifestation of bhavna.
No other manifestation is possible. All other manifestations lead us to the realms of mind and emotions.

Now, this joy, and this joy alone can attract true wealth.
What is true wealth?

The answer can be found from the Sanskrit word for God, Bhagavat. Bha stands for Bhagya, Destiny - one, who creates his own destiny, is truly wealthy.

Ga for Gyaana, a storehouse of wisdom - he/she is truly wealthy.

Va for Vaibhava, or rich/glorious... But also for Vairagya - or detachment. Richness, name, fame, and glory alone do not make us truly wealthy. It is the combination of all those and detachment that makes us truly wealthy. When we can enjoy all that we posses without being attached to anything, then we are truly wealthy. It is the realization that whatever we posses, material as well as what we understand as immaterial are equally impermanent that we become truly wealthy.

Last but not least, Na stands for Nirmal, meaning soft, subtle, egoless, prideless, one who is humble. This is the last attribute of a truly wealthy person.

Maker of own destiny, storehouse of wisdom, rich, detached, and egoless - these are the signs of a truly wealthy person.

How to attract true wealth?
By accessing our original, joyful nature... How do we do that?

Now, here is the missing link - the link that can trigger our joy.
What is that? Just one thing that can actually trigger the feeling, or rather the true feeling of joy - and, that is Beauty!

It is beauty that connects our true joyful nature with the core essence of all Existence. I am tempted to call this core essence love, but i would not do that, for love has become the most misunderstood and misinterpreted word. I would rather leave the core nameless for time being...

Get connected with beauty, bring to the surface your true joyful feeling, and you shall attract true wealth, not just the riches.

Be wealthy!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Law of Attraction and Abundance

Q: It is so very difficult to focus on what i want...

A: Meaning, you actually do not want what you are trying to focus on. I am reminded of Svami Vivekananda. He "thought" that he wanted money. And, he was actually broke. He did not have enough to continue with his studies.

His master, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, asked him to focus on money, meditate, and "ask" Mother Kali, the Divine Feminine Principle for the fulfillment of his wish.

He could focus on money, and he did meditate too, but when it came to asking, he simply could  not do it. Instead, he asked for Bhakti, loving devotion. He asked for Shakti, divine poser, and he asked for Mukti, the absolute freedom.

Not once, not twice, but thrice he made the same "mistake".
He would be all prepared to ask for money, but when it came to actually asking, he would ask for bhakti, shakti, and mukti.

His inner being, the inner consciousness was not into money.
Perhaps, you are facing a similar situation. What you

Q: I keep hearing that money is important, and i agree it is important. I want money, who does not want? But, i cannot focus n money.

A: You are influenced by people. You have been bombarded by society and workplace that money is all that is to abundance. It is not. And, this is what your inner self is trying to tell you. Abundance is much more than having money. Abundance is true wealth, it is something that never ever decreased. It grows and grows.

Abundance is the feeling of joy that comes from inner satisfaction. Abundance is beauty, abundance is love. Abundance is only felt when you access your true self, your inner being - and, such access can only be gained through meditation. Abundance is the way to living meditatively.

To live abundantly is to live meditatively, and to live meditatively is to live fully, to allow all faculties within you develop to their fullest.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Law of Attraction and Wealth

Q: Why is it that so many people relate this law with wealth alone?

A: Relating with wealth is alright, however money is not the sum total of wealth. True wealth is overall prosperity. True wealth includes health, happiness, relations, all.

What is amazing is the survey I was reading sometime back that says that almost 70% of those who study law of attraction relate it to money, and not wealth.

I have also heard of another survey a couple of years ago that showed that health, relation, and inner satisfaction mattered more than money to most of the people the world over.

So, this is actually funny.

More people feel happy when they are healthy, they have good relationship, and they enjoy inner satisfaction; whereas the law of attraction survey showed that money was most important to all those who considered themselves as the practitioners of the law.

First thing that is according to my understanding: there is no division between practitioners and non-practitioners. The law is universal, by whichever term you call it.

Another thing, around 1900, so many people suddenly talked about this law, and it took decades those days for people everywhere to begin talking about it. Not long after, there was the infamous crash of 1929.

Law of Attraction and Empathy

Q: It is said that one must be upbeat to help others, in a 1906 book published by Atkinson this is called bracing.

A: Certainly, if you are not upbeat, then you cannot help someone who is downbeat.

Q: Yes, but, I have also heard that we do not have to sympathize with those who are downbeat. It is only then that we can help them.

A: If you do have the feelings of empathy, and sympathy, why would you even think of helping someone?

We cannot help someone if we are emotionally attached to the person. I am reminded of a renowned surgeon in Japan whose hands trembled while performing surgery on his grandson. He was disturbed. It never happened before when he was operating on his patients. He failed.

Not to be emotionally attached is not the same as not having empathy, or sympathy.

Atkinson suggested bracing, why? This is clearly because he was moved by the same feelings of empathy and sympathy. Otherwise, what is the point of bracing people?

Law of Attraction and Mandala

Q: I have been reading James Redfield also. He believes in the Support Energy. I have been reading about Mandala, and that those who are on the periphery support the center, and the center reciprocates and supports them.

A: Read, review, and realize it only if you can accept the truth from that angle. Remember all angles are equally true and valid. What is not palatable to you could be palatable to others.

Talking about Mandala, believe in your own experience if you have one. Do not seek answers from others, they may not have any experience, or any knowledge about Mandala.

 I was reading somewhere (  “…consider this. A recent article I read stated that 2 out of 5 people walking the streets of N.Y. were neurotic to the point where they needed professional help. 1 out of 100,000 people (in the US) are professional scientists.............That means that if you start asking the unknown public important questions about meaning in your life, the odds are much stronger that you are going to be answered by a bunch of nutsrather than 1 really smart person...........Good Luck….. and get a little faith in yourself.”

Mandala is what keeps the group of entities calling themselves “Abraham” together. Otherwise, they cannot stay together. Mandala is keeping them in communion with the Hicks, otherwise no communion would be possible. It is a different story altogether if both “Abraham” and the Hicks do not understand the mechanism of Mandala. They don’t have to. It is like we don’t have to know how to grow oranges in order to enjoy them.

Mandala, the periphery supports the Kendra, or the center. And, the center supports the periphery. Do you know why?

This is because the center and the periphery are inseparable. How can there be periphery without the centre, or the vice versa? It is inconceivable.

Each person in the mandala, including the centre has to work on his, or her own. Yes, they are responsible for their individual growth and personal evolution. Once, that responsibility is fulfilled, they begin to enrich each other.

Being responsible of one’s action is the initial stage, at the later stage a responsible person cannot not be responsible for the evolution of the entire cosmos.

This is Law of Attraction, or rather the Principle of Attraction that is beyond all laws...

Why would you stop at attracting greenbacks? Not that greenbacks are less important, they are important too. But, don’t stop at that. Go beyond, move on. The entire cosmos is there for you to attract!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Discussion on Esther and Jerry Hicks’ “ASK & IT IS GIVEN”

Q: It is written in Hicks' "Ask & it is Given" that, "You did not come to fix a broken world." Further, “As Non-Physical Source Energy expressing through your physical experience, your physical experience istruly the Leading Edge of thought. And as you are fine-tuning your creative experience, you are takingthought beyond that which it has ever been before.

“As you enthusiastically made the decision to come into this physical body and create in this way, you understood, from your Non-Physical vantage point, that this physical world was not broken and in need ofrepair—and you did not come forth to fix it.

“You saw this physical world as a creative environment in which you, and everyone else, could expressyourselves creatively—you did not come forth to try to get others to stop doing what they are doing anddo something else. You came forth understanding the value in the contrast, and the balance in the variety.

“Every physical Being on your planet is your partner in co-creation, and if you would accept that and appreciate the diversity of beliefs and desires— all of you would have more expansive, satisfying, and fulfilling experiences.”

Having read that, my understanding is that, we cannot be anybody’s support, but ourselves. We change, and the world will change by itself. In other words, there is no such thing as support energy.

A: Hicks are right, in the sense that they are looking at the universe from one angle, a right angle, but one of so many angles.

Your understanding is right, “Be the Change,” – Gandhi said the same thing, but he did not say, “Be the change, and the world shall change by itself.” He said, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.”

There is a “want”, a “desire” to see the world changed. And, there is an effort “to change oneself”, in order to see the same change in the world.

One cannot simply “want”, and sit quiet. I am sure Hicks did not mean that either.

What is the entire Law of Attraction about? Attracting what, and for what? Why to attract? Aren’t we talking about some kind of support? In order to attract, there has to be one to attract, and one who is attracted, and the very act of attracting. 

Is that not some kind of support? If there is no such thing as interdependency, why attract what, and again for what? 

Why are those souls/entities calling themselves “Abraham” communicating with the Hicks?
Why are those souls/entities together?

Why do the Hicks write those books? Why do they go around giving workshops? Why propagate the theory?

We may close our eyes to the sufferings of the farmers in some remote village somewhere in one of the third world countries, but can we actually live without their support?

There is an anonymous farmer out there - unknown to us – who woke up at 04.00 this morning to work on his field. He works to ensure that 6 months from now, we have rice on our table. 

The Truth beyond the Secret, by Leslie Scheuler

Consider the following:

"The Secret," a book (and film) released in 2006 about using the Law of Attraction to attain "health, wealth and happiness," is one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. Among other things, The Secret promises "massive wealth" along with "dream homes" and new cars to those who apply its principles. In less than six months after The Secret was released, nearly 4 million books were in print with more than 2 million DVDs sold in a year. The Secret exploded into the mainstream media, was translated into nearly 30 languages, and became a commercial empire in itself. Spiritual teachers and healers (and opportunists) in the New Age community quickly joined the throng and adjusted their own ways of doing business — often by greatly increasing their fees and promising their clients material wealth and happiness … for a price.

In September of 2008, a meltdown in the U.S. mortgage market occurred, followed by the demise of such venerable financial institutions as Lehman Brothers (the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history). Billions of dollars are provided in emergency federal loans to banks and corporations that are "too big to fail," and the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 777 points — the largest drop in the Dow's history. Trouble in the U.S. financial markets has spurred a global economic crisis. By the end of 2008, a record-breaking 12 percent of American homeowners with mortgages were either behind in their payments or in foreclosure. In October of 2009, the nation's unemployment rate reached 10 percent, the highest in 25 years.

Also in October 2009, James Arthur Ray, a "spiritual guru" and prominent contributor to The Secret, held a "Spiritual Warrior" retreat outside Sedona, Arizona, that cost participants $9,000 each, and ended tragically with the death of three people during a ceremony modeled after a Native American sweat lodge. The Spiritual Warrior retreat was one step of Ray's "Journey of Power Experience," which began with similar offerings called "the Harmonic Wealth Weekend" and "Creating Absolute Wealth."

Now ask yourself these questions: Are these phenomena — the success of The Secret, the global economic crisis, and the rise of "spiritual gurus" who promise financial gain for a high price, related in some way? Do they tell us something about where we are in this Great Transition to the New Age? Perhaps they suggest the following:

A sizable segment of the "New Age" spiritual community1 has bought into the prevailing capitalist paradigm of our society that emphasizes money as a primary indicator of personal value, worth, and happiness…a belief system that has led to greed and the lust for material possessions, which, in turn, has led to joblessness, homelessness, and even a crisis in health care that deprives individuals and families from meeting some of the most basic of human needs.

This obsession with money has led to an imbalance of epic proportions, an imbalance that is not only illustrated by national and global statistics related to the economic crisis, but also in stories and events like the "Spiritual Warrior" debacle, an event which promised miracles but caused tremendous suffering, not only for the people who were sickened during the ceremony, and not only their families and loved ones and the families and loved ones of the three who died, but also the others who were in attendance that day who witnessed this tragic event.

So my questions are these: Why are so many members of the New Age community now obsessed with personal wealth? Why have high-priced "gurus" like James Ray been so successful in the past two years? Don't we have better things to do at this point in our collective history than to focus on individual material gain?

To explore these questions and the issues they raise, I'd like to examine the phenomena associated with The Secret. Much of what the book and film has shared with an estimated 7 million people is indeed true — the Law of Attraction is a universal principle. We, as human beings, have an amazing power to manifest our thoughts in the world and to manifest an abundant life. We attract what we put out into the world, and "thoughts can become things."2 The Secret has been successful in "popularizing" the Law of Attraction and getting it into the mainstream culture at a time when people the world over need to become more aware of our place in the Universe and our power to bring about positive change.

This message in itself is revolutionary (even evolutionary) for those uninitiated in the knowledge of how we can use the energy of our intentions , for those who are not familiar with spiritual principles that could indeed be put to miraculous use to recreate ourselves and our existence on the planet during the Transition to a new world.

One application of the Law of Attraction used in The Secret is the generation of personal wealth and material gain. This focus has been adopted by many New Age healers and consultants who are now using the popularity of The Secret to promise their own clients that they will manifest all the money they want — in exchange for fees that are not only much higher than they once were, but must typically be paid in advance or through a contract-like arrangement in which healers/consultants are paid before the true experiences and any actual results occur.

One sign of the primacy of materialism in The Secret is how often "dream homes" are mentioned. Jack Canfield tells us he lives in a four and a half million dollar house. Of course we wonder, why does someone need a four and a half million dollar house? What does the emphasis on manifesting luxurious houses say about the millions of people who once believed in their own right to own "dream homes," who believed their lenders' misleading manipulations, and overextended themselves with mortgages they couldn't afford? Many of them may have thought they were manifesting their dreams, only to awake and find their homes disappear as a result of the mortgage crash, unemployment, and other lost investments.

Ultimately, The Secret promises readers and viewers that, by using the Law of Attraction, they can build fortunes in the millions. By questioning this premise, I am not suggesting that we, as members of the New Age community, shouldn't live abundant lives with the wealth we need to pursue our visions and share our gifts — we should be paid, and paid well, for the services we offer — but it's not necessarily true, on this physical plane, and interacting with others in our current economic paradigm, that we as individuals can have as much money and material wealth as we could possibly want without negatively impacting others — or the planet.

Take the quote from The Secret's contributor Bob Proctor:

"Why do you think that 1 percent of the population earns around 96 percent of all the money that's being earned? Do you think that's an accident? It's designed that way. They understand something. They understand The Secret, and now you are introduced to The Secret."

My answers to his first question:

Because our society, and our civilization, has worked itself into a grave imbalance, one that rewards greed and corruption, and is helping to bring forth environmental destruction and the crumbling of institutions that once helped us maintain some degree of social stability.

Because there are a lot of people who know the secret of capitalism — that you can amass a lot of money by oppressing or exploiting or manipulating others (like the 99 percent of the world's population who shares only 4 percent of the world's wealth).

And, in further response to Proctor's comment, No, I don't believe the disparity between the rich and poor is an accident, and yes, I do believe the world economic system has been "designed that way" — but not by Spirit or through the Laws of the Universe, but by human beings. Particularly, human beings with egos focused on their own aggrandizement and on building power by controlling others as well as natural resources.

Does Proctor believe that members of the top 1 percent (including the corporate CEOs and heads of financial institutions whose compensation packages reach into the millions) amassed their fortunes without exploiting or manipulating others? How many of the "lower tier" employees working for their companies or institutions (or their suppliers) are unable to afford adequate health care or decent housing? How many of their families are suffering because they work long hours and invest their best energies at work instead of in their human relationships? How many workers, in other parts of the world, are working in unsafe and unsanitary conditions so that American businesses can keep profits as high as possible and to make the rich even richer?

How many "spiritual gurus," in their own desire to manifest wealth, subtly manipulate others using Law-of-Attraction-oriented approaches to "power marketing" and payment arrangements that guarantee they make money, regardless of their results, or whether their approaches are in alignment with those they serve?

The creators of The Secret acknowledge on their website that the Secret doesn't work for everybody. But their explanation — that it doesn't work because people don't know how to use it correctly, or that the principles are too advanced for many readers/viewers — is not adequate.

What's another possible reason The Secret doesn't work for everyone as it promises? Because it ignores the fact that making a million dollars or materializing a sports car (or even having perfect health or being the perfect weight, other purposes mentioned in the book and film) may not be in alignment with a soul's purpose for being on the planet at this time in history. Amassing a personal fortune may or may not be in alignment with the intentions of a Soul Family or in the best interest of the planet during this Great Transition. The real issue is what we do with what we have — how we use our thoughts, our time, and our money for things that may be even bigger and better.

Just think what would happen if we harnessed the tremendous amount of energy generated by the publication of The Secret, the release of the movie, and the use of the Law of Attraction for personal wealth, and turned it toward manifesting something greater than dream homes or new cars. Just think if we were all in alignment with our souls' purposes and focusing on the good of the planet as we embark upon the New Age. What if we focused on a healthy standard of living, a cure for disease, healing for the environment, or an end to poverty — not just for ourselves but for human beings across the planet?

Now that's the kind of thinking that can cause miracles.

Now is the time when being in alignment with our soul's purpose is more important than ever before in human history. We are living the "end times" which have been prophesied by indigenous cultures and prophets the world over. But these are not the end times of life on earth — if we choose them not to be — but the end of a way of life, of economic, political, and social systems that are broken and not even remotely sustainable. Our lives — and the lives of the plants and animals and elements of the earth — are hanging in the balance, and it's time we stepped forward and took collective responsibility for creating a new way of life on Planet Earth.

What does that mean? It means collectively turning our time and energy, as well as our wealth, to co-creating a new future for the benefit of all beings — indeed, for the benefit of the multiverse. It means shifting our attention from using the Law of Attraction for individual gain to using this same powerful principle (and others like it) to manifest a new world.

So how do we begin? It may sound like a tall and overwhelming order, to bring forth a new world through our minds. But "the truth beyond the secret" is that, when we are in alignment with our soul purposes, and we join forces with others who are also in alignment, that the miracles really start, and accumulate, and energize the grid that connects us all, until we are all co-creating our heaven on earth.

A beginning step is to take some time during your meditation and/or journaling sessions, or during your work with your spiritual guides, or teachers and healers on the physical plane, to consider the following questions:

What is my soul purpose?

What are the gifts that Source has given me to enact my soul's purpose?

Are the ways I use my gifts and invest my energy — including my time, my thoughts, and my money — in alignment with my soul purpose? Are there ways I can shift my thoughts and activities to bring all the different parts of myself, and the different roles I play in this lifetime, into better alignment?

Are the ways I use my gifts and energy benefiting others and supporting the environment? What can I do to further support the health and well-being of the planet?

How can I join with others of similar soul purposes to bring about the change our planet needs right now?

Investing time and energy into this process will lead to surprising results. When you are in alignment with your soul purpose, the Law of Attraction works at hyper-speed, bringing you a kind of abundance and joy you never thought possible. It's true that it may not get you a fortune in the millions, a fancy car, or a dream house — but it will "get you home" to a new way of being. Connected to Source, supported by your Soul Family here on earth, and lovingly surrounded by your Spirit guides, you are the light you came here to be.

To support you on your continuing journey, I'd like to leave you with these affirmations:

My life is in Divine Alignment.

I am One with All I See.

I am the Light I came to be.

1. My definition of the "New Age community" includes those who have gone beyond traditional religious structures to learn and experience spiritual truths in a variety of ways, and who believe the planet is undergoing a massive shift that will result in the birth of a new age when life on this planet will be dramatically different than it is today.  
2. The Secret, p. 9. 

About Leslie Scheuler
Leslie Scheuler, PhD, is a writer, consultant and university professor based in St. Louis, Missouri. With a background in music, social work, social science research, and diverse energy healing modalities, Leslie specializes in working with individuals, groups and organizations to remember and express their true purposes and to live in alignment with these purposes for the good of individuals, communities, and the planet as a whole. Leslie believes that the time is now for stepping up in full Divine power to manifest a New World. (Source:

Karma and the Law of Attraction, by Paul Warren

The law of attraction has been around for centuries, however, only recently has it come into the eye of the world through the book and DVD 'The Secret'. Once known only to successful business men and women of our time, and times before us, the law of attraction has become a wide-spread phenomenon, allowing just about anyone to benefit from the vast powers of the universe. 

The secret law of attraction works by you believing in something so strongly that it manifests itself into reality. If this sounds like something from the X-Files, just hear me out.

The teachings of the law tell us that no matter what, the universe is with us and for us, waiting to be used to our advantage. To truly harness the power using the law, we cannot focus on what we don't have or what we need, instead, we need to believe that we will have more in the future. We will have more happiness, more money, more love, and more children. What ever your true desire is in life, you must focus on believing it will come true.

If you focus hard enough, and truly believe according to the law, you will see a change, and you will experience the true joy of the law of attraction working in your life.

Karma fits into this equation because we reap what we sow. What we send out to the world, thoughts of happiness, or thoughts of hatred can come back to us. Karma is basically a manifestation of our anger, greed, unhappiness, or misery. If we create these things, they come back to us.

The law of attraction owes a lot to the Hindu concept of karma and dharma. Karma implies a cause and effect. Each of us is different and hence, contributes differently to our lives. But we ourselves reap the results of our conducts. Good conduct breeds good results. Dharma is relevant to the law of attraction as dharma means purpose in life. Each of us has a purpose in life. The law of attraction speaks to identifying the aim of ones life through self-discovery. Hinduism supposes this end to be universal welfare, an extension of the law of attraction.

Ancient Hindu doctrines preached the idea that a persons place in the world is dependent upon his thought and practices. Ancient Hindu philosophies suppose that a person’s course of life is determined by his conducts in the previous birth. This implies that if someone had contributed significantly to universal goodness in his past life, they are likely to follow the same path in his next life.

Positive thinking, which is an oft-quoted phrase in the law of attraction, also finds its place in Hinduism. One, who is optimist in his attitude towards life, strives for a positive end, whereby he will find happiness. This happiness, according to Hinduism, does not mean wealth or power, but a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of completeness.

Both Hinduism and the law of attraction posit the concept of spiritual unity. Spiritual unity points to mental integrity. The mind should be absolutely clear of its mission and this should correspond in the actions. The mind, according to both Hinduism and the law of attraction, should be able to withstand all external disturbances and remain focused on what it wants to achieve. The means or the ways to attain the end may change in the course of action, but not the end.

Hinduism defines the end as something abstract. It is the success of ones will, fortitude, and perseverance. It does not refer to monetary success, or a gain of power. The success is a state of mind, a sense of fulfillment, a sense of satisfaction. This is what is referred to as abundance, by the law of attraction.


My Notes:

Material wealth alone cannot be defined as abundance. Without inner satisfaction, no matter how rich a man, he remains a pauper. 

Law of Attraction - a Historical Perspective

For the first time, there was a mentioning about Law of Attraction in 1879 in New York Times. After that, famous scientist John Fleming mentioned about it in 1902.

Indeed, several books released in the 1900s contributed to the recognition that this concept has attained, in particular William Walker Atkinson’s (Yogi Ramacharaka) 1906 manuscript entitled “Through Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World”. In this tome, he talked at length about the theory and how it works.

Other notable mentions of the exact term “law of attraction” go to the Theosophical writers William Q. Judge and Annie Besant in 1915 and 1919, respectively.The theory has actually been around for a long time.

According to the 1910 book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles:"This theory [of the Law of Attraction] is of Hindu origin, and has been gradually winning its way into the thought of the western world for three hundred years...

“God lies in every thing according to Hindu religion. The theory of law of attraction is based on the belief that when concentrated on a thing, God will give it”, says Wallace.

Still in the 1900s, the ‘new thought movement’ claimed it to be their discovery. Yet, they were very honest in mentioning all earlier sources. Alas, not so with the modern advocates of the law, they choose to forget the history. God bless them!

The Law of Attraction versus Attraction: Beyond all Laws

Much has been said, and is being said about the allegedly newly discovered "Law of Attraction" - well, it is not that new!

On this page, we shall try to learn, to study this law with an open mind, so if:
1. we are not open minded,
2. very fanatic about our beliefs, and
3. easily provoked,
then it would not be a good idea to proceed any further...

But, if we are open-minded, not fanatic about our beliefs, and not easily provoked, then let us learn together study together, and enrich each other....